Chips Ahoy Windscreens

Demystifying Windscreen Damage Patterns

Every UK driver has, at some point, confronted the unwelcome sight of a mark or crack on their windscreen. These varying patterns can provide insights into the damage’s cause, severity, and needed treatment. This article aims to comprehensively decode these patterns, ensuring every driver is well-informed and equipped to act promptly.

The Foundations of Windscreen Glass

Layers upon Layers: The typical windscreen comprises laminated glass. This design, featuring two sheets of glass with a protective plastic interlayer, provides enhanced safety, ensuring the glass doesn’t shatter into sharp fragments upon impact.

Strength and Flexibility: This laminated construction offers a balance of rigidity and flexibility, ensuring that the windscreen can withstand both external impacts and internal pressures without giving way immediately.

The Common Culprits

  • Bulls-eye Break: Resembling the target in darts, this circular damage pattern results from round objects, such as stones. It’s important to note that while they might seem minor, the tension around the edges can cause them to spread.
  • Chip: These are tiny dents or craters on the windscreen, often the first sign of damage. Though small, if they’re in the driver’s line of sight, they can be distracting.
  • Crack: These linear damage patterns vary in length and can grow if not addressed. Their direction and speed of spread can be influenced by temperature changes and the windscreen’s physical stresses.
  • Star Break: Distinct for its radiating lines, a star break can compromise the windscreen’s structural integrity and can spread under physical stress.
  • Combination Break: As the name suggests, it’s a combination of different damage patterns, often requiring a comprehensive assessment to decide on repairs or replacements.

The Less Common Patterns

Half Moon: An oblique impact, which hits the windscreen at an angle, causes this semi-circular damage. It’s similar to a bull’s-eye but isn’t entirely round.

Pit: Often caused by the prolonged impact of sand or minuscule debris at high speeds, a pit is a surface damage that rarely penetrates deep but can affect clarity.

Spiderweb: When an object strikes with significant force, the resulting pattern resembles a spider’s web. This is concerning as it weakens a large windscreen area.

Stress Crack: Without a clear point of impact, these cracks emerge due to manufacturing defects, installation issues, or significant temperature fluctuations.

Assessing Severity and Risk

Position Matters: Damage in the driver’s direct line of sight, even if minor, is critical due to the potential vision obstruction and distraction it can cause during driving.

Size and Depth: A rule of thumb in the UK is that any damage larger than a pound coin requires urgent attention.

Growth Potential: Elements such as temperature swings, car vibrations, and moisture ingress can aggravate damages. A small chip or crack can escalate into a larger problem under these influences.

How Damage Patterns Inform Repairs

Resin Filling: Ideal for contained damages like chips or bulls-eyes. The process involves cleaning the damaged area, injecting a resin, curing it with UV light, and then polishing for a smooth finish.

Drill and Fill: Some breaks, such as star or linear cracks, might be halted using a method where the tip of the crack is drilled and then filled with resin.

Replacement: Complex patterns, like extensive spiderwebs, often leave little room for effective repairs. Here, a complete windscreen replacement becomes imperative for safety.

Preventing Common Damage Patterns

  • Stay Alert on Roads: Keeping a safe distance from lorries and construction vehicles reduces the risk of flying debris, a common culprit for stone chips.
  • Mind the Elements: On frosty mornings, avoid pouring boiling water on the windscreen. The sudden temperature change can instigate stress cracks. Opt for lukewarm water or de-icing solutions.
  • Routine Checks: Incorporate periodic windscreen checks into your car maintenance routine. Early detection often means simpler, cheaper fixes.

Understanding Repair Costs by Damage Type

Minor Repairs: Generally, chips and bulls-eyes, given their confined nature, don’t break the bank. Addressing them promptly can often save on more extensive future repairs.

Major Repairs: Patterns like star breaks and spiderwebs require meticulous work and, consequently, might be costlier.

Replacement: A complete windscreen replacement can be a significant expense. It’s essential to consult with your insurance provider and understand coverage limits.

Insurance Implications for Different Damages

Coverage Nuances: While many UK comprehensive insurance policies cover windscreen repairs, the extent varies. It’s crucial to know your deductible and any coverage ceilings.

Claims and Bonuses: A front or rear windscreen replacement claim might not affect your no-claims bonus, but it’s essential to confirm this with your insurer.

Understanding Policies: Some insurers might offer better coverage if using their network of repair shops. Ensure you’re acquainted with such details to make the most of your policy.


The patterns of windscreen damage, from simple car door chips to intricate spider webs, are more than just blemishes on our vehicle’s facade. They are insights into potential risks and the steps needed for rectification. For every UK driver, understanding these patterns is integral to ensuring a safe driving experience. By staying informed, taking preventive measures, and acting promptly, we ensure not just our safety but also the longevity of our vehicles. Here’s to clear and safe journeys in Essex ahead!